
  • Emergency personnel are on staff 24/7 and can be dispatched by calling 9-1-1.  If you need to contact our administrative office, Station 81 is at 767 Birch Street.  Hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

  • Burn season runs January - May, with a provisional burn season in the Fall, as approved by the Fire Chief. Beginning July 1st of the current year, a new permit will be required for burning. The permit will remain valid during burn season until June 30th of the following year. Along with a valid permit, citizens must contact Butte County Air Quality Management District to ensure that it is a permissible burn day; if burning is suspended due to fire hazard or air quality reasons it will be reflected in the recording.  See the “Burn Information & Permit” link for specific guidelines, burn dates, and to purchase a permit online with a credit card.  The cost of a Residential burn permit is $25.00, Fuel Reduction burn permit is $54.91.

  • If new construction requires you to obtain a fire flow, obtain a copy at Station 81. The form must be submitted to Fire Station 81 with cash or check only. Click here for the Fire Flow Form. 

  • The Chipper Program is administered by Butte Fire Safe Council through grant funding. The program is free, provided you meet the requirements. For more information, visit their website at https://buttefiresafe.net/chipper-program/.

  • We appreciate citizens being concerned with fire safety.  During fire season we will follow up on all fire hazard complaints. Please contact Paradise Fire & Rescue at (530) 872-6264 or email defensiblespace@townofparadise.com and provide the site address and your concerns.  Our Prevention Inspector will visit the site personally and follow up with the property owner.

  • Homeowners insurance companies frequently request that individuals provide the Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating or the ISO Public Protection Classification which gauges the fire protection capability of your local jurisdiction.  The entire Town of Paradise is currently an ISO-2/2X.

  • Broom is highly flammable and, for fire safety, eradication of this plant is encouraged, but not currently required as long as it does not present a fire hazard as outlined within the California Government Code § 51182.

  • As one might imagine, there is both a cost and a liability involved in dispatching fire staff to reach high, out of the way smoke detectors.  Citizens are encouraged to make arrangements with a family member, friend, or contractor to maintain personal fire safety equipment. 

    Please note that a regular 9-Volt battery operated smoke detector has an 8 to10 year life span.  Effective July 2014, when purchasing a smoke detector it should have a date stamp on it, and an encased lithium or long-life battery in it designed to last up to 10 years; when the smoke detector beeps, a new unit needs to be purchased.

  • Paradise Fire & Rescue does not service fire extinguishers, but there are several private companies in the area that do.  Please consult your local telephone book. For disposal of old fire extinguishers, please contact Northern Recycling & Waste Services.