Commercial Metal Buildings

All commercial metal buildings require design review. (PMC 17.06.930)

1. The building design includes an exterior facade of quality brick, stone, wood, or building material(s) deemed similar and acceptable by the planning director that affects, at minimum, one-fourth (¼) of all surfaces, excluding glass, visible from a right-of-way and/or street or road access.

2. The design incorporates architectural and aesthetic features that are determined to be compatible with the town's adopted "downtown design standards" by either the planning director or the Paradise Design Review Board.

3. Building setbacks and landscaping greater than that required by other provisions of this code may be required if deemed necessary by either the Planning Commission or the planning director in order to make the design of metallic building facilities compatible with the design of existing or prospective building or use(s) in the area.

If you are planning to rebuild your business with a metal building, and would like more information please contact the Planning Division.