Register Your Security Cameras

Video Surveillance Sign


Personal security cameras can be vital to investigating criminal activity. Registering your security camera with the Paradise Police Department will:

  • Provide the officers information about cameras nearby that may capture evidence if a crime is committed in your neighborhood. 

  • Lead to the police potentially contacting you for footage or photographs while conducting an investigation. 

  • NOT give the Police Department access to live feed of your cameras remotely at any point.

  • NOT alter your right to privacy.

  • NOT allow your information to be shared. All of your information will remain confidential.

  • Give the officers an additional resource in order to help protect and keep our community safe. 

Let's all work together to help keep our community safe!


QR Code to Register

Register online at:

Or scan the QR code:

Example Map

Here is an example of how registered cameras appear to officers. This does not allow access to live feed and footage must be requested to be reviewed.