Well Clearance

Well Clearance

Water well use is not a common theme in Paradise and any existing wells are mostly used for irrigational purposes only.  Overall, all wells in Butte County are under the jurisdiction of Butte County Environmental Health.  They oversee all well construction, destruction and maintenance.  However, prior to new construction of a water well within town limits must first be cleared by the Onsite Wastewater Division of the Town of Paradise. PMC Sec 8.36.040

Applying for a well clearance includes an onsite application with a proposed plot plan scaled 1"=20' showing the proposed location of the well with a 100-foot setback radius to not impede on existing septic and future replacement area.  The 100-foot radius around the well must also be within property lines not to render any part of neighboring parcel(s) unusable for septic.  PMC Sec 13.08.030

Once approved, the well clearance is used to apply for a well construction permit through Butte County.  The well completion certificate must be provided to the town in order to update the mapping system to show a well exists on the subject property.  For well destruction, please submit the certificate of completion to the Onsite Division to update mapping as well as eliminate well setback requirements as outlined in Chapter 8.36 and Chapter 13.08 of the Paradise Muni Code.


Well Abandonment - Proper abandonment is imperative in order to prevent possible pollution or impairment to the quality of groundwater within town limits.  Permit must be obtained to ensure proper well destruction by a qualified C57 Well Driller per Butte County requirements.  You must show us the final destruction certificate that the well has been properly abandoned.



PMC Chapter 8.36 - WATER WELLS