Onsite Septic Permits

Standard Systems

Standard installation of residential septic systems consists of a 1,500 gallon tank and a dispersal field (leach lines) where the wastewater is gravity fed from tank to field to soil.  Alternative systems are considered in areas of restrictive or questionable soils.  For example, if groundwater is present anywhere on the subject parcel, soils testing will be required via test holes to determine whether an alternative system is required. 

Test holes are scheduled to be dug in the presence of the Onsite Sanitary Official to witness and assess the composition of soils.  Please reference the Onsite Wastewater Manual for additional information on the design, rules and regulations regarding septic systems in the Town of Paradise.


Existing System Repairs
Any repairs or alterations made to the onsite wastewater disposal systems within town limits require an Onsite permit in order to request inspections by the Onsite Sanitary Official to sign off on the work and issue an Operating Permit to authorize use of the system.

1. Standard Repair ($281.81)* - Permit issued following a failed septic evaluation of either the tank, field or both. 

2. Upgrade/Alteration (356.42)* - Permit issued to upgrade the system to current codes or to expand the system to accommodate additional flows following an approved Land Use Review.  

3. Minor Repair ($80.52)* - Permit issued over-the-counter following a failed evaluation for things such as tees, risers, lids, floats, building sewer connection, pump components, etc.


Application Process

A permit to construct or repair an onsite wastewater system can be applied for at the Building Resiliency Center located at 6295 Skyway.  An accurately scaled plot plan of the proposed system is required to be submitted with the application and fees for review by the Onsite Official. The plot plan should include all requirements outlined on the application.  The process usually takes approximately 2-3 weeks given there are no corrections or additional information needed.  You will be notified via email/phone when the permit is ready to be issued.

Application Requirements:

Please note only licensed contractors with the following designations are permitted to apply for and install septic systems.

  • C-36 Plumbing
  • C-42 Sanitation
  • General A Engineering

In lieu of a contractor's license, a property owner may install their own system as an owner-builder. 
Please see Owner Builder Declaration for additional information. 


Onsite Permit inspection requests can now be made online following instructions on our main page.  Please make your requests at least 24 hours in advance.

NOTE:  *All fees are payable to the Town of Paradise and are subject to change.