Engineering Standard Details


Design Standards and Survey Requirements

The Town maintains Capital Projects Services Design Standards and Survey Requirements: The most current version is January 2023, revisions will be posted as adopted.

Traffic Control Notes & Details

The Town has provided standard notes and details for typical Traffic Control layouts: The most current versions are posted below, revisions will be posted as adopted. CAD is available upon request by emailing the Engineering/Public Works administrative assistant, Kieran Jellema at Traffic Control Plans and Details should be included in Encroachment Permit Submittals.

Roadway Standard Drawings/Details

The Town has provided standard  details for typical construction within the Town of Paradise Right of Way. The most current versions are posted below, revisions will be posted as adopted. Please email the Engineering/Public Works administrative assistant, Kieran Jellema at with any questions. Other standard details may be required that are not provided; applicant shall supply additional details as required to support the proposed improvements. Butte County Details may be applicable for standard conditions not shown in specific Town of Paradise details. These Standard Drawings/Details supersede the Transportation Master Plan Appendix J.